Friday, July 24, 2009


Well, I know I came back after a long time but today the reason is not because I feel lonely and I feel left out, which was the initial reason of making this blog but because now I feel unsafe and uneasy living in the society that exists around us today.
Coming to the point, yesterday I was listening to this Punjabi/Hindi radio station. Every week these people have a big debate kind of thing where they come with new topics to talk about. This week’s topic was: “Signing a Contract Before Getting Married.” And as it is there were two sides arguing for and against the topic and unlike what my initial reaction was to the question (which was “no, because it makes marriage a contract rather than a bond) my views were drastically influenced. I guess it’s a problem mainly for Indians living outside Canada, because their parents force them on getting married to someone from India as they feel that person from India will understand the culture and language better and will respect them more as opposed to an Indian born and brought up here. But that is turning out to be soo wrong.
The main reason for my sudden transformation was this phone call that they received on air from a Indo-Canadian girl who said that she is just got back from court and was listening to this radio station. She said that she just got married to this Indian boy and when she was in India, he made him sign two blank pieces of papers. Now, you might call this stupidity that she signed blank pieces of paper or you can this immense trust and faith on someone you love (which obviously every partner expects from the other). Also, when he was getting those papers signed he told her he wants to make a “will” sorta thing through which he will make sure that if something happens to her she will be given money and would be secure and stuff…but it turns out when he finally managed to come to Canada he tried killing her with a knife and wanted to use one of those papers as her suicide note. Since, this scheme of his failed he used the other piece of paper as a contract saying that after divorce he will be given 50% of her property, money everything…she was devastated by the experience and was very strongly in support of a contract before marriage stating that if something happens then there will be no division of property, who will take the kids etc. etc.. but then if you think about it, doesn’t it sound like a deal when you lay down all the clauses before you start doing the business actually…this is soo funny, and I myself can’t make up my mind if this is the right thing to do…but as far as I have thought about this…I would rather never get married ever than be in sucha position as her or many many other Indo-Canadian/American girls out there…

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Getting to the end of IB

IB is almost about to come to its end. It feels great to be finally done with IB after calling myself "IB" for almost 3 years now. It has been a long long journey. From Delhi to DehraDun to Vancouver...I cant believe that in about a week's time this abbreviation will be out of my life forever!!!

Will it has been extremely stressful, those times when I was sent to boarding - all the problems that I faced there then those two extremely long days when I was trying to find a way out for all the Sequin IBers to get into a school in Delhi and then those weeks when I was at home doing nothing to the days that I spent all alone in this foreign land when I was down with sickness and I didnt know what to do. In a few months from now this foreign land will be my hometown. My life took so many unexpectted turns that I could not even dream of, but all for my benefit. I simply love where I stand today...proud of myself for surviving all the troubles and not breaking down.

I cant wait to be get my Graduation Diploma followed by my IB Diploma and entering the SFU with huge scholarship! All this is gonna happen for REAL!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

ToK Essay

Now its time to talk about the essay was on the following topic:
"To understand something you need to rely on your own experience and culture. Does this mean that it is impossible to have objective knowledge?"
And my concluding paragraph was all about Slumdog Millionaire...which failed to impress me. I know this might be suprising because probably you all found it great but this 8 oscar winning movie potrayed India in sucha negative light!

I'm not a huge fan of India due to various reasons but this was just unacceptable for me. When the movie came out everyone asked me various sorts of questions like "Is India all slums?" "Do they have houses in India?" "Police has the right to beat ppl for no reason?!" "Do they actually put acids in the eyes of the kids?"

There was no stopping! It frustated me great deal whenever I heard ppl talking about how good the movie was...i found nothing too exceptional about this movie. This movie played a great role in my life though..i had a huge fight with one of my closest friend ever (not the one i worked with for my ToK presentation)..he just would not stop talking about how amazing the movie was and this was a huge mess in the end with 4 ppl arguing against each other..

I wonder if this movie would have been as big of a success if this was directed/produced by an indian...a white ma comes into our country portrays all the slums and bags 8 oscars...this is annoyes me soo much i have no words for that. What annoyes me even more is that the novel, on which the movie is based, is writted by an indian and no bloody indian could come up with the idea of making this movie!!!

Slumdog Millionaire or rather scumdog billionaire!

Thoery of Knowledge Presentation

This is one of the mandatory courses of IB Diploma. We have to do a presenation and plus write an essay (1600 words)

Last year when i did my presenation we got 11/ was an aweful presentation which lasted only 13 minutes (it was supposed to last 30 minutes)!!

However, we got another chance and I worked with one of my best friends...our presentation was on legalising prositution and questioning ourself of how do we know if the act of prostitution should be legal or illegal...i had soo much fun working on this presentation. Plus we got a 17/20 i was sooo happy to get a 17...i think 19 is the highest and only one group got a 19 and thats it...I was sooo soo happy...all the hard work paid off in the end! YAY! =)
After four months i realised that i made a blog!
Oh god i dont know when will i learn how to organize myself!
Anyways lemme tell u guys the highlights of these few months: I handed in all my IB IAs!! IB=International Baccalaureate IA=Internal Assessment.

Now i will post some quickies which will be study oriented but will be fun to read!!