Tuesday, November 25, 2008

First Post

12:42 am on a Tuesday morning – no I didn’t get up at this time, I just didn’t sleep yet because I was working as always! Being an IB kid isn’t that easy after all, not that I’m complaining but I’m just throwing it out there for those who think that they are having the hardest time of their lives. People look around!

Yeah, this is my first post and I’m excited about it. But unfortunately you guys can’t really see the excitement in my tone (most probable) and that is because I’m not really “gifted” with the talent of writing. Well, for that matter I’m not even gifted with the ability of being able to express my feelings either (verbally, I mean). Life isn’t that bad but it has been better for sure…..with some people which seem to have been lost somewhere now. Well, ok it was because of me but then how could they not understand me? Were we not enough of close friends to be able to understand the unsaid?

I think I did understand the unsaid a lot of times but then why did they fail to do so? Why do people expect so much when they can’t really give the same in return and if I can live up to certain expectations is it inappropriate, on my part, to expect the same from others around me? Well, as mom says some things in life don’t have answers and some of them should just be left unanswered. Because you know how at times a lie is thousands times better than a bitter truth. Ok, I should stop giving these spiritual teachings of mine, they are annoying I know. But isn’t this experienced by almost everyone at some points in their lives, when they want to talk about spiritual/universal ideas while they might not really make sense when applied to really life? (I don’t even know if “spiritual” is the right word for this.)

I have had some of the best times of my lives in SFS, SGS, SWS and even now in NWSS –no those are not the names of the places I have visited during summers neither a list of picnic spots, that’s the list of schools I have attended, yeah I know its longer than normal (that doesn’t mean I’m not normal!) and that is what made my life more exciting! By the way, the first three schools are in India while the last one is in Canada, where I live right now! Yeah I am an immigrant, a Non-Reliable-Indian! And no I’m not writing because I feel alienated or out of place (these ideas only exist in Jhumpa Lahiri’s books!). I am writing because… after a really long time I missed some of my friends( not that I had completely forgotten about them till now) and I looked for their blog, which I knew existed because I remember them talking about it to me. i actually wanted to mention the links of their blogs here, but since I'm not that computer savvy i would settle for their names, you can google up their blogs though (if you guys want to that is): My Life My Way (AB) and Vague-in-vogue (Megz).

I think that is more than enough for a “first post”, hope you guys didn’t have a hard time reading and understanding what I was trying to say. My next post will be up soon and in all the following post I would be concentrating on a certain specific topic than just random things. Have a great day and Stay tuned for more! =)